12 Social Media Tools to Boost Your Business in 2024

john tsantalis
4 min readNov 27, 2023


Social media tools are necessary for your business’s social media marketing strategies. It’s crucial to leverage the right tools to enhance visibility, engagement, conversions, and business promotion.

Here are some social media tools that can help to boost your business in 2024.

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite allows you to manage multiple social media accounts from one dashboard. Schedule posts, analyze performance, and engage with your audience seamlessly across various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

2. Canva

Create eye-catching visuals and graphics effortlessly with Canva. It offers easy-to-use templates for posts, stories, infographics, and more, ensuring your content stands out in the crowded social feeds.

3. Buffer

Similar to Hootsuite, Buffer simplifies social media management. It helps schedule posts and provides valuable analytics to track engagement and audience behavior.

4. BuzzSumo

Understand what content resonates with your audience using BuzzSumo. Discover popular topics, track trends, and analyze competitor performance to tailor your content strategy accordingly.

5. Sprout Social

This all-in-one tool streamlines social media publishing, engagement, and analytics. It offers in-depth insights to help you understand your audience better and refine your social media approach.

6. Tailwind

Ideal for Pinterest and Instagram, Tailwind assists in scheduling posts, finding trending hashtags, and understanding optimal posting times to maximize reach and engagement.

7. Google Analytics

It is not exclusively a social media tool, but Google Analytics is indispensable for tracking website traffic driven by social media campaigns. It helps in understanding user behavior and optimizing strategies for better results.

8. Brandwatch

Brandwatch can help with social listening and sentiment analysis. Monitor brand mentions, track industry trends, and gather valuable insights to refine your marketing strategies.

9. AdEspresso (Social Media Ads)

For businesses investing in social media ads, AdEspresso is a powerful tool for creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads.

10. Rebrandly (Short Links)

Improve brand visibility and recognition with custom short links using Rebrandly. Short, branded links not only look professional but also allow for better tracking and analytics.

11. Agorapulse

Manage social interactions efficiently with Agorapulse. It offers features like social inbox management, content scheduling, and comprehensive reporting, making community engagement a breeze.

12. Sendible

This tool simplifies social media monitoring, analytics, and reporting. It provides a centralized hub to manage multiple accounts and collaborate with team members effectively.

These social media tools can enhance your business’s online presence, engagement, and overall success in 2024.

Social Media Tools Secrets

Data-Driven Decision Making

Many tools offer analytics and insights that go beyond simple metrics. They can help decipher audience behavior, preferences, and trends. The secret lies in using this data to refine your content strategy, posting times, and even product/service offerings to better resonate with your audience.

Automation with a Personal Touch

While automation is a key benefit of these tools, the real secret is in using it wisely. Automating routine tasks like scheduling posts or responding to common queries frees up time for more personalized interactions.

Balancing automation with genuine engagement is the key to building lasting relationships.

Listening and Learning

Social media tools often include features for social listening — monitoring conversations and mentions of your brand or industry keywords. The secret here is not just in monitoring but actively listening and learning from what your audience is saying.

This helps in crafting more relevant content and addressing concerns effectively.


Tools enable scheduling posts in advance, ensuring a consistent presence on social media. But the secret lies not just in posting regularly but in maintaining consistency in tone, branding, and engagement.

A consistent voice builds trust and recognition among your audience.

Community Building

Beyond broadcasting messages, these tools are great for fostering community. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, initiating conversations, and showing genuine interest in their opinions.

Building a community around your brand fosters loyalty and advocacy.


Many tools offer collaboration features, allowing team members to work together seamlessly. The secret is leveraging this collaboration for brainstorming, content creation, and strategy development.

Team synergy often leads to more creative and effective campaigns.


Integrating different tools can create a powerhouse for your social media strategy. The secret is in finding tools that complement each other and integrating them to streamline workflows.

The real “secrets” lie in understanding your audience, being authentic in your interactions, and adapting to the changing landscape of social media.

AI Tools For You


