ialSocial Media: 7 Tips on How to Improve Engagement and Grow Your business
It’s essential to understand the value of social media engagement and how it can affect the growth of your business. Many businesses and marketers still ignore that social media can boost their brand or generate more sales.
Attention! Without good content, you will not get the engagement you desire.
Here are some tips you need to know about how to improve engagement and grow your business with social media.
- Best times to post on social media
It depends on what time your target audience is active on social media. But you can share your posts at random time intervals.
You can use random time intervals that do not follow any specific pattern (like 9:15, 3:50, 18:30, etc). It helps break free from the common intervals of social posting when everyone else is.
Try to stay ahead of all the noise and content on social platforms. You can try random times and see what works best for you.
2. Long-Form Content
Long-form content is a good tip. Write more than a few words per sentence and make it interesting, educational, and engaging. There is too much fluff out there and in-depth content will help boost engagement.
Search engine ranking for blog content has already proved that long-form content works best and that now applies to social media. Twitter only recently extended its character count and LinkedIn and Facebook already have allowed that.
Not everything you share needs to be long-form. But it should be essential in your arsenal when posting. Your networks are more willing to read, click, and comment on material that is well-thought-out and informative.
3. Use Hashtags and Tagging
The hashtag is a powerful feature for your social media engagement strategy (but should not be abused or you’ll look spammy). No one likes to see social posts from spam-bots.
Hashtags are not just for Twitter and Instagram, but they are useful with Facebook and LinkedIn. Many people are not using hashtags on Facebook or LinkedIn consistently. They ignore the opportunity to attract and engage more people.
Also, you can look ahead at hashtags that actually have some traction in your niche or topic.
Users who use the most widely used hashtags that are relevant to their content will reach a much larger audience. Also, content that sharing with hashtags receives up to 2x more engagements and clicks.
Additionally, you can use the “@” feature to tag people, companies, writers, etc. In social media posts will be a useful engagement tactic. But you need to be cautious and selective like hashtags or you may quickly get blocked.
4. Use Emojis
These days emojis are used in social posts to boost engagement. They are popular, effective, and help content stand out a bit.
Also, emojis helps you to add your own unique personality or style to your social posts. Show off your style and make your post “pop” more.
5. Comments, Likes, and Engagement
A pretty useful tip to boost engagement is to build relationships with people in your networks. You can use re-shares, comments, likes, to build a more personal and human touch.
You are seen as more engaged, involved, and more humanized. Getting involved builds a trust that your networks will appreciate and be more willing to engage with your future social posts.
Also, you can use identified hashtags and engage with new people who have similar interests to you or your niche. This can help not only build new social media engagement but can help grow your network of people who will like, enjoy, and trust your content.
6. Mix-Up Your Content
It’s easy to get into a rhythm of just sharing links to articles. Only posting can get a bit repetitive and less engaging with your networks.
Instead, mix-up the content you share on social media. Re-purpose a blog post into a short video that could be shared, use specific parts to create images with no links, create gifs, etc.
Mixing-up your content in different mediums will help boost engagement and can boost older material that looks recent or innovative.
7. Last Tip
Posting content a few times a day is not enough to build credibility, grow your network, or improve engagement.
Use these tips and techniques for a period of time, monitor your engagement, see which working best, and focus more on those specifically. Use types of content that attract more people, generate engagement and build relationships with your followers.